When you’re considering bankruptcy, you are likely going to want to do some online research to get as much information about the process as possible before choosing your Salt Lake City bankruptcy attorney. Here are some resources that I think you’ll find useful during your internet searching.
On the Utah Bankruptcy Court’s official site, you’ll find helpful information like bankruptcy forms, court calendars, and the rules for filing in your precinct. You can also look at Utah’s filing statistics, which will give you an idea of the number of people also filing in this state, and the degree to which that number has risen in recent years.
The FTC’s online complaint form is where you will go to submit a complaint about illegal debt collection activity. While they won’t get involved in your case, alerting this federal bureau about their practices will be a red mark on their business and hopefully force them to change their ways.
Follow this link to see the actual federal code regarding bankruptcy. But be warned, it is not easy to get through – if you have ever tried to read federal laws in the raw before, you know why it is so helpful having an attorney on your side who actually speaks legal-ese and can translate for you!